Plan Sponsor Workshop Welcome Guide
Welcome to Plan Sponsor Workshop!
Our mission is to provide you with the training and tools to improve your plan management and the lives of your employees. At our event you will:
Learn how to tackle fiduciary responsibilities and benefits.
Connect with industry experts.
Obtains the strategies and tools needed to take your benefits program to new heights.
So what’s next?
While you and the other proactive plan sponsors were undoubtedly asking, “how do I best prepare for this educational event?”, we assembled everything you need to know. Please find below a simple guide to maximizing your event experience.
Step 1: Prior
Event Details: A few days prior, keep an eye out for an update email including parking, agenda and room location info. If you have any specific questions please feel free to reach out to our team.
Goals and Questions: What are the things you have been putting off or don’t understand? Maybe it’s to better understand fiduciary responsibilities, conduct an employee wellness survey or benchmark the plan. Write down your goals. Now write out 2-3 questions that are related to accomplishing these initiatives. The best way to individualize the seminar is to ask direct questions. Bring them and let’s talk!
Connect with the speakers. At the event, you will gain access to the finest industry leading professionals who are dedicated to helping you learn about best practices and implement ideas. Be sure to check out the event page online and connect with our expert speakers on LinkedIn.
Step 2: During
Check-In: As you arrive, be sure to stop at the sign-in table to receive your name tag and request any needed Continuing Education Credits. From there you can grab food and find a seat in the main room.
Network and Participation: You are not alone. As you engage with local 401(k), 403(b) and benefits leaders, be prepared to learn the latest in plan best practices and network with other professionals. Expect to take notes and ask questions. You will be sitting in a room full of plan sponsors, executives and fiduciaries like yourself, all eager to learn. No one here is a stranger. Start a conversation.
Resources Tools and Evaluation Form: Make sure to fill out your evaluation form! This is where you can let us know your feedback/thoughts and request resources & tools while available. Also, this form is required for us to distribute CE credits (delivered via email)!
Step 3: Post
Now, we want to make sure what you learned can translate into actionable ideas and enhancements. As a prudent plan sponsor it is important to:
Document: As a way to document your training, we will send you a Certificate of Attendance. Save and file as a record of the training you just received.
Periodically Evaluate: Finally, in order to facilitate impact and enhancement, we’ve created the Complimentary Plan Evaluation. We know juggling the responsibilities of a plan sponsor isn’t the only part of your job, but you are in the position to have a major impact on the retirement of your employees.
The plan assessment is designed to maximize time and help you meet the annual fiduciary requirement of reviewing your plan. This straightforward, one-hour at your office time investment is complimentary with your registration and tackles fiduciary best practices, plan design, benefits, investments, and fees with the host of our workshop – no strings attached.